Build Muscle, Burn Fat - Fast!


muscle strengthening, weight loss, rf, hifem

WONDER Axon is a device for aesthetic use that has been designed and manufactured to be used in treatments of bodybuilding, toning of the figure, muscle recovery and improvement of the general state of the body.

WONDER Axon produces 60,000 muscle contractions at a record depth of 16 cm, acting simultaneously on the legs, glutes, adductors, abdomen, obliques and arms.

One 25-minute session produces the same muscle wasting, metabolic disturbance and caloric consumption as several hours of HIT training in the gym.

The 25 minutes that will change your life.

“Building stronger, healthier bodies together”


WONDER Axon provides solutions to the most demanded treatments:

  • Buttock lifting

  • Arm toning

  • Leg strength and toning

  • Flat abdomen

  • Skin tightening

  • Increase strength and endurance

  • Love handles and “mummy pooch” fat elimination

Better yet, the WONDER Axon can target all these area in one session, all at the same time! Sessions are only 25 minutes, so you can get back to doing what you love quicker. No downtime, no pain, just easy.


The body treatment with WONDER Axon uses focused electromagnetic muscle stimulation, high intensity neuromuscular emissions and inductive radio frequency, which allows a more selective and safe way to raise the internal temperature of the dermis and adipose tissue up to 45 degrees, offering even better results, in fewer sessions, than any other device on the market.

Build Muscle, Burn Fat - Fast!


The following people should not be treated under any circumstances:

- Pregnant and lactating women

- Minors

- Persons presenting with flu like symptoms or general discomfort or pain

- People with inguinal hernias and abdominal wall

- Bone problems

- Epileptic

- Cardiovascular disorders

- Newly operated persons

- Presence of electrical equipment inside, such as pacemakers, incontinence devices, insulin pumps etc

- Skin diseases, dermatitis, inflammation or irritation in the treated area.

- Presence of open wounds, burns, ulcers or significant damage in the areas to be treated.

- Liver, kidney or bone problems.

If in doubt, always consult your GP.


Frequency: Sessions should be held once or twice a week at most.

Duration: the treatment time should not exceed 25 minutes.

Please note that your appointment time will be around 45 minutes, taking into account suiting up and down.


It should be taken into account that the results of the treatment will depend on each person specifically, their muscle structure, preconditions, diet, water intake, mental state, etc.

In general, during the treatment the client will notice an increase in muscle mass and a progressive loss of fat mass, a general improvement in well-being and energy levels and the state of the skin and reduced back pain.

Side Effects

Although treatment is considered harmless, the following side effects may occur:

- Muscle aches

- Skin reaction to the passage of the current in the form of temporary redness or irritation

- In case of excessive treatment in people without habits of muscle exercise can feel nausea or dizziness. To reduce the possibility of this, please have a healthy water intake of at least 1.5L per day. Increasing this for 24hrs post treatment.